Do you want to work while going to school?
The Internship and Cooperative Education Programs at the Career Center are a great way to work in an industry while your still in high school. How beneficial would it be to learn some new skills or try a career out while your still in school. The Internship and Cooperative programs are designed to give students the necessary skills and experience that are needed in the workplace.
Applied Cooperative Education
Applied Cooperative Education is an approach to employment training that spans all career and technical education program areas through school-based instruction and on the job training. Time allocations are a minimum of fifteen hours per week of on-the-job training and approximately five hours per week of school-based instruction, focused on employability skills development.
Applied Work-Based Learning
Applied Work Based Learning Capstone is an instructional strategy that can be implemented as a standalone course or a component of any CTE course that prepares students for college and career. This strategy builds individual students’ skills and knowledge within the area of interest. A standards based training plan is developed by the student, teacher, and workplace mentor to guide the student’s work based learning experiences and assist in evaluating progress and performance, whether WBL is a standalone course or a component of a discipline-specific CTE course.