Century Career Center Hybrid Schedule for Area Schools

(Caston, Carroll, Pioneer, Lewis Cass, Winamac, Rochester)

January 5th, 2021 ā€“ March 19, 2021

Monday & Wednesday - Pioneer & Lewis Cass students will be in attendance & (Virtual ā€“ Tues./Thur.)

Tuesday & Thursday - Winamac, Rochester, Caston, & Carroll students will be in attendance & (Virtual ā€“ Mon./Wed.)

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday is a regular bell schedule.


Friday will be Virtual for all area students.  Because of scheduling conflicts with multiple schools, area school students will need to check in with their CCC instructor for attendance and get their assigned homework to be completed online or for the next in-person class. Students with questions may contact their instructor during their Friday office hours from 1:00 pm - 3:25 pm. 


Virtual Fridays (25-minute periods)

Period 1                           8:35 am             -             9:00 am

Period 2                           9:10 am             -             9:35 am

Period 3                           9:45 am             -             10:10 am

Period 4                           10:20 am          -             10:45 am

Period 5                           10:55 am          -             11:20 am         

Period 6                           11:30 am          -             11:55 am

Period 7                           12:05 pm          -             12:30 pm

Lunch                              12:30 pm           -             1:00 pm

Office Hours                  1:00 pm             -             3:25 pm


On the days that the students are not in attendance, they will still be expected to check-in with their instructors for attendance during their period and participate.  Participate meaning ā€“ answer questions on Schoology, do assigned bookwork, conduct research, work on a project, Live Google meet with the in-person class, or watch a pre-recorded video.


Note: Students who are in temporary quarantine from home need to reach out to their teachers and make sure they participate virtually every day they are gone.  This is to ensure they donā€™t fall behind while they are out.