
The Logansport High School Speech Team showcased their talent and dedication by placing 2nd at the ISSDA Section 4 Sectional held at McCutcheon on Saturday, February 22. Their impressive performances earned 17 LHS students a spot at the March 8 State Tournament. Notably, seven students qualified for State in two different events, bringing our total state entries to 24.

In addition to the team’s overall success, individual excellence was on full display. Tournament champions were crowned with Aiden Snoeberger capturing the title in Radio Broadcasting and Yoslen Robaina-Santana excelling in Original Oratory.

Below is the list of our State Qualifiers:

- Radio Broadcasting:

- Aiden Snoeberger, CHAMPION

- Kendal Kranz, 3rd

- Jackson Lythgoe, 6th

- Declamation:

- Saylor McClain, 4th

- Discussion:

- Jack Leeman, 3rd

- Visha Patel, 5th

- Alex Belford, 1st alternate

- Drama:

- Madilie Franco, 6th

- Esther Sell, 1st alternate

- Humorous:

- Sofia Herrera, 3rd

- Ared Ruiz, 4th

- Kendal Kranz, 6th

- Impromptu:

- Jenni Anaya-Serrano, 4th

- Cesar Martin, 5th

- Jesus Ramirez-Padilla, 6th

- Informative:

- Alexa Sanchez-Agreda, 3rd

- International Extemp:

- Yoslen Robaina-Santana, 6th

- Original Oratory:

- Yoslen Robaina-Santana, CHAMPION

- Original Performance:

- Sofia Herrera, 2nd

- Esther Sell, 3rd

- Madison DeHaven, 4th

- Poetry:

- Brooklyn Harris, 4th

- Saylor McClain, 6th

- Program Oral Interp:

- Madilie Franco, 4th

- United States Extemp:

- Cesar Martin, 3rd

- Jenni Anaya-Serrano, 4th

We extend our congratulations to every student and coach for their hard work and outstanding achievements. The Logansport High School Speech Team’s commitment to excellence continues to inspire and set high standards for future competitions. Go Berries!